I build and design: Cost effective, low water demand, small footprint, massive growth gardens. You will make money selling food or enjoy giving it to a hungry humans. It will be too much food for you and all your friends. Everyone you know wont be able to consume it all. Feed an island, feed the world.

Building a garden is like building a deck on your house. The cost is about equal. Now it take a year to get these gardens you want to be productive. 

I utilize many types of natural methods of pest control but the most important is called electric rebound.  Basically you push an environment as far to chaos as possible and let the nature  forces do their work. 

So first few months we grow for seed, following months we train the good bugs like To eat bad bugs by pushing the ecosystem into position to elastic rebound and over populate the gardens good bugs.

So it is a one year investment with monthly expenses and fees but you are connected to other farms and if your garden gets destroyed the open seed source is shared and you are up and running again. 

Your kitchen will also perform certain tasks which take very little time and can be done during a smoke break which include things like squeezing bugs and leaving carcass to attract the predators insects.  

This is a commitment and an investment and the only way to get better produce without toxins to work with .

The main farm which is really just a 1000 square foot commercial garden on MLKJr street is the heart beat of the entire operation helping to seed and plant the smaller gardens  with are off site but connect.

Mayan Floating gardens; 85 feet of floating gardens have been constructed at afarm. 25 feet dedicated to grass like plants, rice, bananas and such. There are about as much gardens at farm, as a Mayan outpost village, of about 500 stone-age men and woman.

Mesopotamia Hanging gardens; UNDER CONSTRUCTION at farm, need help lifting structure up, for safety, 3 soles is safest.

Pyramid gardens; UNDER CONSTRUCTION at farm and are for sale soon, very cool, cheap to make design, requires special clay soil.

Call today and get on waiting list for big construction projects, design and quote.

It is shameful to teach kids 1820 slave plantation style farming or have a garden example of this type of farming at the school your children are enrolled in.

Under construction.......................

I constructed 182 linear square feet of carpet gardens.  

But the 5 foot wide tubs have an internal teepee structure.  

Wrapped in carpet to create a cone extending 5 feet tall.  

So the area of a cone must be calculated in. 

With a 5 ft diameter tub extending 5 ft high from rim produces. 

63.54 square surface area.  

So 3# of the easy and quickly Erected 5 ft tubs will have more sq foot area growing space then my 3 months of building 182 sq feet of linear space.  

So 13 of the 5 foot gardens produce 826.02 sq ft of growing space.  

All together I have now 1000 sq ft of carpet growing surface area.  This should produce 10,000$ of income each year.