Feed an island, feed the world. I feel much better in a world, if everyone new basic Fred Flintstone farming skills. This should be part of a school program like, Drivers ed class, part of a PE school program, throw a baseball, drive car, grow food.
Education is key to my business model and community connection. It is better to live around people able to farm and not waiting for shipments of big truck poison box chemical plantation food.
Not just farming but farms need to dehydrate and process food for winter or off season storage.
Open viewing construction sites, come ask questions or sign up for a programed learning class on growing. Teacher is soil scientist. Learn to even analyze and create your own EARTH soil.
After visiting 19 Mayan Sites. Most sites near the 12 beheadings. Well it is rather easy to come to a conclusion and determine structural status of stone and pyramid structures.
This does not take an engineer but it helps to draw the sites a bit.
My conclusion is the Mayan pyramids were all physically smashed and demolished intentionally. Not in the front of the pyramid but in the back. Iron hammers intentionally broke the water works which extended on the back side of each large Mayan pyramid. This had to have been performed by early arrived Christian missionary’s priests or even the first conquistadors.
Through the magical powers of condensation these pyramids produced clean drinking water at incredible volumes which which came pouring out back into tubs and then the garden terrace structure below. This water works was destroyed intentionally to stop the Mayans from taking a dump where they have been pooping for 4,000 of years.
The Mayans were the true Freudian immature Pooppoo Peepee culture. But this baby like culture was, then refined for over 4,000s years. The Mayans had constructed a functional utility system that safely used human poop as a fertilizer.
To Stone Age man, Shit was a top 10 resource and Mayans collected and used their poop and pee. Poo here, pee somewhere else cause pee was also a top 10 resource. Collection for men occurred on the east and collect for women on west side, in tubs that still hold water after 4,000 years. They were water poopers and used stone bathing tubs at the top of their garden terraces to poo.
I think it is maybe cleaner to even use the Mayan pooping tubs then a American standard toilet.
If the water tub moved water in and out fast enough poo would be sucked from your butt like the space station tube toilets.
Water would instantly clean you hole, and no need to wash hands. Poo is not brought back to anyplace you cook, eat or sleep.
In are modern system, shit and hands are used and fecal mater is everywhere and on all door handles.
The Mayan system was actually cleaner then the conquistadors shitting in the woods.
I believe the conquistadors destroyed the water works on the backside of these pyramids and now the Mayans had to shit in the woods and got poo on their hands after 4,000 years.
Mayans not use to having shit on their hands for 4,000 years or contaminating their foodchain, crops and drinking water, began to get sick and die. And they died by the millions.
The Creation of Adam a
fresco painting by Michelangelo, which forms part of the Sistine
Chapel's ceiling, painted c. 1508–
Rome needs to come clean and produce the 1000s of Mayan scroll documents taken from the Americans and they need to be reviewed by a scientist not a historian.
You could even consider these Mayan scrolls as stolen art. Everyone knows who took them, when and where they are. No one would destroy them without being seen by library priests back in Rome.
The Italian government which follows EU guidelines is required to pursue this stolen art which holds humanity to a plantation, serf, post-slave 1820 style farming system. A complaint will be filled with EU department of antiques.